Asking Powerful Questions

Three Minute Wisdom   Knowledge is not enough. True leadership is informed by wisdom. The ideas presented here are intended to arouse your curiosity, provoke your thinking and encourage insightful action to help you achieve the things that matter. 

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Your effectiveness as a leader is measured by the value of what is produced through others.  The more production, energy, motivation and commitment you bring forth from your people, the better your leadership.  One way to develop your staff is to ask powerful questions.

This is not always easy to do.  In you role as a leader, questions and decisions are pressed upon you every day.  Sometimes questions are put to you directly by your staff, sometimes decisions are thrust upon you by circumstance.  In the moment, you may feel the need to take immediate action or give quick answers.  But doing so can shortcut people’s development and may actually set you back.

The more you can involve your people in answering questions and making decisions, the more effective your leadership will be.  Asking powerful questions will develop your people by causing them to think through deeper levels of analysis and creativity.  It increases their self-confidence in their own ideas and thought process.  It also increases the collective brainpower applied to any problem, creating more and better solutions.  

What is a “powerful question?”  There are many different types of questions.  Some elicit factual information, some analyze a specific problem.  While these types of questions are often useful and necessary, they don’t generate much energy.  A powerful question does more.  Let me list some of the qualities of a powerful question:

  • Generates more answers from staff than from you
  • Even more important than finding answers, it stirs creative thinking in others
  • Shifts energy away from a problem-focus and to a possibility-focus
  • Creates a climate of exploration
  • Reveals underlying assumptions
  • Invites reflection on a deeper issue

Perhaps most important, a question is powerful if you are truly curious and uncertain about its answer.  The conversation that ensues from such a question enlightens you as much as the person you are asking. 

There are many ways to frame a powerful question.  Here are six kinds of questions that can help you pull the best from your people.

Learning These questions prompt creative learning and continuous improvement.  Use these questions to evaluate a project at its conclusion or to explore alternatives in a current project based on reflections from past experience.

  • What can we learn from this?
  • What has worked well in the past?
  • How would you do it differently next time (or, this time)?
  • How will your approach incorporate our past learnings?
  • What are the implications of this situation?

Frame of Reference These widen the frame of reference for both you and the other person.  They reveal underlying assumptions by seeking out new perspectives on the situation.  They encourage self-examination and fresh inquiry by looking at the interpretations we are making about the problem that may otherwise remain hidden.

  • What generalizations can we make about this situation/event?
  • What are the alternative viewpoints on this issue? 
  • What parts of those viewpoints would be valuable here?
  • What are the assumptions underlying our thinking? 
  • What different assumptions could we make instead?
  • How would our approach change if we made different assumptions?

Visionary  Sometimes we get caught up in the details of our action plans and lose sight of the goal.  Visionary questions point our outlook to the future.  By starting with the end in mind, the final result you want to create, you bring a renewed focus to the planning process.   

  • What do you want to accomplish?
  • What will it look like when you’re done?
  • What is the ideal version of the  … (task, project, role, etc.)?
  • What is the big picture here?

Energetic  These questions increase the energy and excitement of people.  It turns their thinking toward natural sources of internal motivation.

  • What excites you most about this … (task, project, role, etc.)?
  • What are you looking forward to?
  • If there were no barriers, how would you go about it? 
  • If you knew you could not fail, what would you do?
  • How does this tie-in to the corporate mission?  To your own life purpose?  To your career goals?

Action  At a certain stage in the thinking process, we must move from analysis to action.  Action questions are more practical and concrete but still leave the sense of initiative with your staff.  These questions can start general and move toward the specific and immediate.

  • How can we make things better?
  • What is needed most?  What does the situation require next?
  • What is the best course of action?
  • What is your action plan? 
  • How do you want to start?
  • What key steps have to happen first?
  • What is the next step to take?
  • What can we do today (or this week)?

Supportive  This may be the most important category of all, questions that show your support.  While all of the above questions leave the impetus for thinking and action with the other person, you also want to show you are not abandoning them.  Supportive questions emphasize your proper role as a leader – the one who removes organizational and political barriers, clearing the path for your staff to excel.

  • What can I do to help you from here?
  • How can I be most effective in supporting you?
  • What do you need from me?

The questions listed above are designed to help make your people feel competent and valued.  Play with them and add to the list from your own experience.  The more you practice framing and asking powerful questions, the more interesting, energizing and effective your leadership conversations will be.  



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